Farm Compost

Square Farm Compost



We accept cash, check, and all major credit/debit cards.

Product Price
Farm Compost$35.00 per cubic yard
Supersoil (Farm Compost blended with sandy topsoil)$35.00 per cubic yard
Bagged Materials$7.00 per bag of Farm Compost or Supersoil. Bags average 25 pounds.
Straw Bales$7.00 per bale
Delivery RateFor delivery call Bryan of BJT Trucking at 248-467-4093. Reminder - the prices above do not include delivery rates.

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Wood Mulch Products Price
Natural Double Ground$30.00 per cubic yard
Color Enhanced$35.00 per cubic yard - Color options include Havana Brown, Sierra Red, Midnight Black, Gold Rush
Cedar Mulch$38.00 per cubic yard

Commercial rates available. Please call 734-449-8100 for more information. Prices subject to change.

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This loader contains 1 cubic yard of compost.

About Our Farm Compost


* Consists of small amounts of paper bags, wood chips, horse manure, and food waste.

Approximate coverage for spreading compost or topsoil:
1 cubic yard @ 1" depth covers 324 square feet
2" depth covers 162 square feet
3" depth covers 108 square feet
4" depth covers 81 square feet
5" depth covers 64 square feet
6" depth covers 54 square feet

Our bagged compost or material may be the smaller amount that you need or easier to handle.

Please use this link from the US Compost Council to determine how much material you may need: Compost Use Calculator

Is our Farm Compost and Supersoil organic?

We do not add any chemicals in the production of our Farm Compost. Our product is tested annually and no detectable levels of chemical residues have been found to date. After heating materials up to 165 degrees through the mixing and turning process, weed seeds are killed. However, we do not claim that this is a sterilized product. Stable compost does not reheat, smell, or burn plants.

We monitor loads of yard waste that come in and refuse plastic and trash.  However, some contaminants may make it through the screening process. Therefore, we cannot produce 100% pure compost or supersoil.


Average Age:  2  years old.   Average pH: 7.8

Topsoil myths and misconceptions - The Truth about Topsoil from Michigan State University

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